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Parsnip Mash

Parsnips, with their subtle sweetness, make a lovely accompaniment to roasted turkey.

Parsnip Mash


Parsnip Mash

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By: BodyBuilding.com
Posted in: Recipes
10 servings


  • 4 medium parsnips (peeled and sliced)
  • 1/2 white onion
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Sea salt (to taste)
  • Black pepper (to taste)


Here are your instructions:

  1. Place skillet under medium heat and add olive oil. Once olive oil is hot, add onions. Cook until onions have fried a bit.

  2. Add parsnips and water to the skillet and close with lid. Cook until parsnips have softened.

  3. Pour onion/parsnip mix, sea salt and pepper into a food processor. Process until the parsnips have mashed.

  4. Serve immediately.

Recipe Notes

Parsnip Mash

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Parsnip Mash Nutrition Facts

