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Frozen Banana Pops

Go ahead, reach into the freezer for a frozen treat! These frozen bananas covered in chocolate and peanut butter with crunchy pistachios taste just like eating dessert. Vanilla Vegan Shakeology and sweet coconut oil make the toppings crackle like they do on chocolate-dipped ice cream bars, but these banana pops contain a whole serving of fruit, and have only 140 calories each, and they’re dairy-free!

Frozen Banana Pops

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By: Team Beachbody
Posted in: Desserts, Meatless, Snacks
12 servings, ½ banana each
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
2 minutes
Passive Time
3 hours


  • Parchment paper
  • Popsicle sticks
  • 6 large bananas, cut in half lengthwise
  • ½ scoop Vanilla Vegan Shakeology
  • 2 tsp. all-natural peanut butter
  • 3 Tbsp. + 2 tsp. extra-virgin organic coconut oil, divided use
  • ¼ cup semi-sweet (or dark) chocolate chips, no dairy added (approx. 2 oz.)
  • 2 Tbsp. chopped raw pistachios


Preparation :

  1. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.

  2. Place a popsicle stick into each banana. Place on prepared baking sheet. Set aside.

  3. Combine Shakeology, peanut butter, and 3 Tbsp. oil in a small bowl; mix well.

  4. Place in small re-sealable plastic bag. Squeeze out most of the air; seal top. Cut off a tiny corner of plastic bag containing chocolate. Evenly pipe peanut butter mixture over bananas. Set aside.

  5. Place chocolate chips and remaining 2 tsp. oil in microwave-safe container. Microwave on 50% power for 30 seconds; stir. Microwave for an additional 30 to 45 seconds, or until just melted. Do not overcook. Place in small re-sealable plastic bag. Squeeze out most of the air; seal top.

  6. Cut off a tiny corner of plastic bag containing chocolate. Evenly pipe chocolate over bananas.

  7. Sprinkle evenly with pistachios.

  8. Freeze for 2 to 3 hours, or until hard.

Recipe Notes

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Nutritional Information (per serving):
Calories: 140
Total Fat: 7 g
Saturated Fat: 5 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 18 g
Carbohydrates: 20 g
Fiber: 2 g
Sugars: 11 g
Protein: 2 g

P90X/P90X2 Portions
½ Fruit
½ Single Serving Snack
½ Fat

P90X3 Portions
1½ Carb
1 Fat

Body Beast Portions
1 Fruit
½ Starch
1 Fat

Portion Fix Containers
1 Purple
½ Yellow
1 tsp.

